I promised pix and here they are: Dawson Creek mile zero markers, beavers, Charlie Lake campground, canola field.
We played UHV golf at Fort St John yesterday. UHV = Ultra High Value. Each hole has a par rating, right? When you play UHV golf, you whack the ball at least twice as many times per hole as the par rating, thus greatly reducing the price-per-whack (PPW). It’s a good system for cheapskate duffers like me. My PPW score is truly one to be envied. Trish is breathing down my neck in this competition but I’m confident that I can maintain my lead. Sometimes, though, a high PPW is offset by the LBC (Lost Ball Count) and yesterday was one of those times. With a low UHV and LBC, plus high PPW you can play in the PGA!
And, just what is Fort Nelson’s claim to fame? It has the northernmost stoplight in British Columbia, and thus is the envy of all BC stop-lighted towns further south. It is also the last major well-equipped supplies town for several hundred miles, so one had best top up with groceries and propane and all that other boring logistical stuff. Our campground has wifi so we’re catching up on email, online banking and such.
The days are getting longer, birds chirping us awake by 4 AM. I get up then and make coffee, Ranger replaces me in bed, Trish goes back to sleep, I take a nap after lunch when I can, Trish doesn’t. There will be hardly any night at all in Fairbanks.
Love the pix of the Edge and camp sites. Show us some interior shots. Also, cannot get enuf pix of Ranger. Your TP dissertation was over the top. I will think of you next time I use our Charmin Extra Soft, Extra Thick TP, which, btw, is on sale right now at Target. Load up!
ReplyDeleteHey bro, you got it. I've been planning on doing an EDGE interior post/pix, was waiting for a 'slow news day' or maybe more accurately, a 'low BS day.' Problem is, I'm so full of BS, there may never come a low BS day.