Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dutch Pour

Dutch Pour is an advanced acrylic pour technique.  First, flood the canvas with a base coat of paint, any color you like.  Second, pour 2 or more different colors in a wavy stripe across the canvas.  Third, use a hair dryer to blow the color around.  Sounds easy, right?  It's not.

My first attempt was a disaster.  Took a critical look, thought yuck, wiped the canvas clean.  The second attempt was better, kept it - for now.  I like the third one, definitely a keeper.  Depending on personal taste, some may say it's beautiful, others: "It looks like dog barf". 

Why is it called a Dutch Pour you ask?  I wondered, too.  Turns out, the woman who came up with the idea is Dutch, like the Dutch Masters - who would surely sneer at a Dutch Pour.  Unlike Master Van Gogh however, she didn't sacrifice an ear to her art.  I'm guessing V G was smoking some really good shit, not the cigars named after him and his fellow artists of the Dutch persuasion.

Maybe I should come up with an Irish Pour.  Drink a Guinness Stout.  Rinse the bottle and fill with several shades of green paint.  Pour it onto the canvas.  Drink another Stout.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

States and Provinces

Our long-haul RV trips are over.  Now, it will be mostly short trips that require just one day to reach our destination.   And the number of days on site will rarely be more than three.

In our 12 years of RV touring, we've hit 38 states in the US, 2 in Mexico and 11 Canadian provinces.  We managed to miss most of the southeastern states - but didn't miss them much.  The deep south doesn't appeal to us.

Our furthest south stop was San Felipe, in Baja California; don't recall why we went there, it being a small seaside village with little to offer tourists.  Across the Sea of Cortez, aka the Gulf of Mexico, is Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point), a much larger city with lots to see and do.  We went there several times with RVing friends.  The picture below was taken there.

Our Alaska trip was the longest, 15,000+ miles, augmented by an en route stop in MN to attend the family reunion.  Furthest north stop was Fox, Alaska, 10 miles north of Fairbanks.  Had dinner there at the Silver Gulch Saloon, the northernmost brewpub in the US.  

2nd longest tour was to the Canadian Maritimes, the highlight of which was Nova Scotia.  The seaside boardwalk, shown below, is awesome.

I could ramble on indefinitely but why bother?  

The bulk of my 773 blog posts over the last 12 years offer travel details.