Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 107. Trip miles: 12667. McMinnville, OR

We’re parked in Carina’s driveway, our last stop before heading south for the winter. Carina is my wild and crazy niece - one of many nieces but there can only be one wild/crazy title holder and she's it, nolo contendre. She's the one that's responsible for Trish and me getting together. Actually, no, she’s really not to blame. Trish and I did it to ourselves. Carina just provided the contact information, an accessory before the fact, but otherwise innocent of all wrongdoing.
I’m sure you’ve been wondering how we stay in such fantastic shape on the road, how we keep our bodies so breathtakingly svelte and just plain drop dead gorgeous - the 6-pack abs, the picturesque pecs, the tight ends. It’s a challenge you know, given that most days we’re just sitting on our butts driving down the road, and stuffing our faces every few hours. Sure, we play golf and hike some but not enough.
Our portable gym consists of a foam exercise pad and a surgical tubing-type resistance set – simply an adjustable length of tubing with handles at the ends. You can do all sorts of exercises with the tubing, limited only by your imagination. My plan is to exercise every other day – but I don’t. I admit to being less than enthralled with exercise for its own sake. Give me something competitive though, and I’m all over it. I’ll be playing pickleball with Carina tomorrow morning, love that game.
Trish is more disciplined in her exercise than I, does Pilates, too. At home, she gets on her exercise bike and goes like the proverbial bat outta hell until her clothing is wringing wet. Ranger doesn’t have a fitness plan but does 4 miles to our 1 on hikes, and does speed sprints with squirrels and rabbits to see who gets the checkered flag at the nearest hole or tree. To our knowledge, Ranger hasn’t won any of these races but he continues undaunted nonetheless.
Speaking of Ranger, he was given a clean bill of health yesterday. We’ve been concerned about this for some time and it’s a great relief. He’s a lovable, well-mannered little fur ball, a joy to have around.

1 comment:

  1. We should all have Ranger's scheduled eating plan and boundless exercise routine.
