Monday, July 25, 2011

Natchez Trace S P, Lexington, TN

We’re at Pin Oak Campground on Pin Oak Lake.  It’s a totally awesome campground with full hookups overlooking the lake.  Hard to believe there’s hardly anybody here!  There’s nobody at all in our loop besides us; it’s just us the trees and the lake, so welcome after the many recent sardinesque private campgrounds. 
Pin oak: ever heard of ‘em?  I never had so looked in my Audubon Field Guide tree book.  Pin is short for chinkapin, a type of oak that grows only in the southeast, so named because the leaves resemble those of the chinkapin tree - never heard of that either.  Several species of oak have leaves of that shape, an elongated toothed oval that bears no resemblance to the traditionally shaped leaves of my prior acquaintance.
On more reflection, maybe I have heard of pin oak, and maybe you have also.  Think on it for a minute: does it ring any bells?  How about if we add a ‘y’, making it pin oaky, does that help?
Got it?  No?  Okay, here’s the last clue: add an ‘o’ after the y.
That’s right!  Pinocchio!  Now we know what he was made of and how he got his name.  No, no - no need to thank me.  I consider it an honor, broadening the knowledge of the masses.  Hey, somebody’s gotta do it.
Pix below are of our campground, with Trish giving Ranger his 3rd haircut with the new doggie clipper.  She gets a little braver each time, takes a little more hair off, hoping to help the Dude Dog keep his cool.

There was an armadillo rooting around in the grass when I went outside this morning.  Funny little critters, they are, with their waddling, hopping gait.  This guy (gal?) came to within 10’ of me; either it never realized I was there or just didn’t care.  They’re a lot like opossums, just add body armor.

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