Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mt Whitney IV

Day 3, continued

We headed back down the trail, grateful to have gravity working for us instead of against us.  Steve developed a few foot blisters but not to worry: I had The Essentials!*  I dug out my moleskin and folding scissors, we got the blisters covered, and off we went.

About half way down, Pat and Steve ran out of water, but not to worry: I had The Essentials!  There was a small stream nearby so they filled their canteens with water and I treated it with water purification pills (iodine).  Iodine pills aren't noted for their ability to make water taste even remotely palatable, but do serve as a powerful reminder: next time, take 2 canteens of water instead of 1, dummy!  And off we went. 

 I told Patty we'd be back about 5 PM.  No way!  It would be well past 6 PM.  I was concerned about Patty becoming worried and sending out a search party.  Didn't want that to happen, so I decided to haul ass back to camp, about 3 miles distant at that point, and Mary Kay chose to accompany me. Steve and Pat would follow at a slower pace.  

MK and I moved along swiftly, nearly jogging, and bumped into Patty a half mile above camp; she'd come up the trail looking for us.  Dusk comes early when you're on the east side of a huge mountain.  It was pitch black when we hit camp, which meant Pat and Steve would have to do the last mile+ in total darkness.  My bad; I should have left  my headlamp with them.  Also my bad: I should have advised everyone well beforehand to bring their own Essentials.  

* The 10 Essentials: map, compass, sunglasses/sunscreen, extra clothing, flashlight, first aid supplies, fire starter, matches, knife, extra food.  Moleskin and water purification tablets are not mentioned but it's wise to have them, plus a few other emergency-oriented odds and ends.

The list above dates back to the 1930s.  It was revised and updated in 2003:
navigation, sun protection, insulation, illumination, first aid supplies, fire, tools, nutrition, hydration, emergency shelter.


  1. Great story Mike and graphics were excellent and I even got winded...

  2. Stay tuned, final chapter tomorrow.
