Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sweet Horse Pucky

She: "Oh my God, have you tasted the water?"

Me: "Pretty sweet, huh?"

She: "You kidding? If Ranger found a puddle of this stuff on the floor, he'd roll around in it!"  (I've yet to see a dog that didn't love rolling around in manure, rotting carcasses and the like.)

Sweetwater Regional Park, where we are now sitting in our RV, should have sweet water, yes?  Not!  I can handle it, have drunk worse stuff lots of times and was thankful to get it.  Not so, Trish.  We'll be buying 2-3 gallons of drinking water today.  Okay, I'll admit it: I'd prefer not to drink the stuff either.

This park is near San Diego and we're here because we're spending Thanksgiving with my sons, Tod and Adam, and their family.  They live in Santee.  And, we're going to spend 3 days seeing some of the SDO sights, the ocean front sights in particular.  We drove over from LHC yesterday, will be spending 5 nights here.

Speaking of manure, why is that dog owners must pick up after their dog but horse owners don't?  Across the road from us, in the parking area beside the restrooms, resides a respectable array of horse turds - or apples if you prefer.  Said apples are not in the handicapped parking slot, so neither horse nor owner can use that excuse - not that it would be an acceptable excuse anyway.

Ranger wouldn't take a dump on the pavement, knows it wouldn't be the right thing to do.  Granted, dogs are smarter than horses.  Maybe dog owners are smarter than horse owners, too.  Or, maybe horse owners just don't give a shit.

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