Sunday, August 5, 2012

What the .....?

It’s 8:10 PM and we’re sitting around the campfire.  Trish just spitted up her last marshmallow of the evening, has it poised to place over the coals in just the right spot.  We notice an older pickup approaching on the single lane, one way road.  We see the head of a large dog of indeterminate breed sticking out of the half open, passenger side window and hear music coming from the truck’s radio.
The pickup slows down and stops in the middle of the road, right beside our trailer.  I’m thinking great place to park, you idiot, assuming that he came to visit the campers across the road from us.  A 50ish guy emerges, opens the tailgate, grabs something from inside the pickup bed and strides toward us.  Ranger barks and runs over to the man, who responds with a cheerful, “Hi poodle!”
He tosses a double handful of wood scraps by our campfire, with this comment: “Kiln dried cypress!  Lots better than those ponderosa pine branches you’re burning.  No smoke.  A friend of mine has a cabinet shop, has all kinds of scrap wood.”  He then returns to his truck and drives away.  Trish and I look at each other and burst out laughing.  We’re both flabbergasted.  We stop laughing after a bit but resume again shortly.  

Kiln Dried Cypress! (lower right)
The guy didn’t stop to bestow wood scraps on any other campers, at least not on our side of the campground, and he's not a resident of this campground.  What inspired this little gift?  Was it just a random act of kindness?  We’ll never know - unless the guy returns tonight for a repeat performance.  Anyway, the visitation of The Kiln Dried Cypress Phantom certainly livened up our evening and provided us with a great little story to pass along.  Trish thinks the guy had been hitting the sauce pretty heavy.  Could be.

PS: 2 days later.  As we were breaking camp this AM, the Phantom drove by again but didn't stop or drop off any more wood.  Maybe this guy has some duties as non-resident camp host or something.

1 comment:

  1. If she has been spitting up the marshmallows, she should probably quit eating them.
