Monday, January 16, 2012

Phase III-1: Pot

A pot shelf is a standard interior design feature of newer homes in these parts.  Said shelves are built into the tops of walls or above between-room passageways, kinda-sorta serving as room dividers.  Our home has the shelves in three rooms: living/dining, kitchen and MBR.  All told, I'm guessing we have around 80 linear feet of it.

Pot shelves are used to display objets d'art, knickknacks, decorative baskets, pottery (hence the name), dust and cobwebs.  The latter 2 items are especially popular because it's a pain in the butt to clean the shelves.  You have to get up on a stepladder and the vacuum hose doesn't reach.  Why bother anyway?  Except for the day you place the stuff up there - and maybe the day after - you never really notice it.  Besides, visitors would need to be 7' tall to see the grime.

99% of the stuff you see on pot shelves is blah.  Boring!  Needless to say, our stuff, Trish's and mine, is unique, beautiful, tasteful - definitely not in that 99% - and so thinks every other pot shelf-homeowner.  The majority of our pot shelf space is bare and will stay that way.  Trish would like to add some colorful pottery, though, and suggested that I use my acrylic paints to that end.  And so I did.

A year ago I took a sunset picture that got published in one of the larger AZ newspapers.  Here it is.

This picture was the inspiration for my first Phase III painting project, recently completed.  
It now resides on the dining room pot shelf.

LHC Sunset.

Okay, so it's not a Picasso - but I'm learning and really enjoying my new hobby.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you both, Trisha for suggesting and you for doing. The photo is pretty amazing, too. With pot shelves, you know, you are supposed to have heaps and heaps of pots on display, so get busy!
