My latest addition to the menagerie
We had a herd of about 200 sheep on the MN farm where I grew up.
Lambing season was in the spring, and there would always be 2-3 lambs that their mother couldn't nurse. So we took them to the house and bottle fed them until they were big enough to wean. I remember one in particular, we called Cuddles.
Shearing was also in the spring, when a couple of professionals would come and shear for a couple days. My brothers and I wrestled the sheep to the shearer, then gathered up the wool and tied it into bales. At the end of the day, we'd be awash in lanolin - and a few sheep ticks to boot.
We had a neighbor that was single and didn't have anyone to take care of his bum lambs so my sister and I would raise them. My theory on this is they would die just to piss you off. The ones that did live landed in the feedlot with our cattle.