Saturday, April 9, 2022

A Boy Named Sous

Evening meal preparation has been an ongoing controversy between Trish and me.  I've always done the grocery shopping, a task she hates.  She does the vast majority of the cooking, a task I hate.    

Neither of us could be called foodies.  She likes well-rounded meals, as do I.  Thing is, I just don't care enough about food to spend much time preparing meals.  If Trish isn't around, I grab whatever's quick and easy - canned soup, sardines, cheese and crackers, whatever.

We do our own thing for breakfast and lunch.  At dinner time, I help out by setting and clearing the table and performing a few sous chef tasks.  I barbecue the entree every few days, while Trish does the sides.  

The last couple years I've been stocking the freezer with frozen, single-dish meals like pot pies and P F Chang's, which lightens the load a bit.  So, do things even out?  We probably disagree, but have agreed to maintain the status quo.

Sous, aka Mike 


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