Thursday, October 22, 2020

Average Daily Water Usage

Our new water softener has an optional feature: daily average water usage for the last 7 days.  It gets updated every day at midnight.  Several days ago, I activated the feature and it now reads 56 gallons/day.  That's 28 gallons per day for each of us.

Then, I wondered, how does our usage compare to other households?  Online research indicates that the average person in the US uses 80-100 gallons a day, most of which is flushing toilets.  Wow!  We're each using only about 30% of the average?  Doesn't seem possible.  

Or does it?  The new dual-flush toilets we put in last spring certainly save lots of water.  Perhaps our newish washing machine and dishwasher are water-efficient also.  And, I don't need much water to wash my hair.  Yeah, it's possible.

Note: water used for irrigation, washing cars and other outside uses doesn't go through the softener.

In case you're wondering: yes, we do shower regularly.

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