Friday, November 8, 2019


I used to think of native Americans groups when I heard the word 'tribes'.  Most likely, that's because I first heard the word in that context, "The Apache tribe was fierce."  Now, tribe has a much expanded meaning, at least to me.  In my view, all humans are in tribes of one kind or another - and most of us are in several.

Exclusive clubs, gangs, ethnic groups, fraternal organizations, religions, countries, political parties, schools, families - all are tribes of sorts.  And, of course, we pretty much all think that our tribes are the best.  Yeah, all those other tribes are definitely inferior, don't hold a candle to my tribe.

And, therein may be the seeds of our demise.  Add to that, common human tendencies towards greed, power, and violence and what have you got?  One helluva a nasty stew!  Tribal conflicts are often bloody affairs.  Consider the Crusades, world wars, ethnic cleansing.  It was bad enough back in cave man days, when the weapons were clubs and rocks.  Now, we have 'weapons of mass destruction'.  In truth - weapons of annihilation.  Yippee!  Aren't we a species to be proud of?

Ever hear the song National Brotherhood Week, by Tom Lehrer?  The song is clever, sarcastic, funny - and right on the money as regards tribes.  Here it is:

So why am I writing this?  Is this blog post gonna be instrumental in changing human nature?  Not in my wildest dreams.  It may however, give my readers a different perspective.  May make them realize the dangers of being excessively tribal, overly zealous, fanatical.

And I'm the king of Romania (with a nod to Dorothy Parker). 

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