Thursday, September 3, 2015

Chiricahua NM

It's located in southeastern AZ, 35 miles from the small town of Willcox.  We toured it yesterday, found it to be somewhat similar to Bryce Nat'l Park, although not as colorful and not as eroded into hoodoo formations.

The CCC worked in dozens of national parks and monuments, including Chiricahua.
I had no idea of the CCC scope, was amazed by the above statistics. 

This deer, standing 20' in front of the visitor center, was really chomping down on 
whatever it had in its mouth.  Mushroom?  Pancake?

You have to hike quite a ways for the best photo ops. 
 We had neither the time nor the inclination, found the above and below pix online.

Balanced rocks, dozens of them, everywhere you look.
Makes for nervous driving when you see these specimens 100's of feet above you. 
A little push from a gust of wind and you're buzzard bait.

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