Sunday, January 20, 2013


Buses by the Bridge is an annual January event in LHC and it's happening now - as is the annual balloon festival.  Yesterday, we did the Buses, after whacking a bucket of balls at the driving range and before whacking a burger and fries at In and Out Burger.  Hey, did we pull out all the stops or what?

Hundreds of buses of the VW persuasion gather in the state park for 3 days along with the owners thereof, groupies, hippies and assorted camp followers.  And I do mean assorted, everything from Rastafarian types in rags and dreadlocks to the swave and deboner.

A few - damn few - buses have been totally refurbished and/or customized and look like a million bucks.  At the other end of the spectrum - the larger end by far - are the beat-to-shit rigs that look like $1.98.  The majority, though, are in the middle somewhere: they run, they look okay, but they're nothing to write home about - or blog about for that matter.

You may detect a hint of sarcasm (Who?  Me?  Nah!) or wonderment in my comments, a bit of "I don't know what kind of weird disease these poor folks have but I darn sure don't want to catch it!"  You see, I'm mystified by car fanatics.  And motorcycle fanatics.  All flavors of motorized vehicle fanatics.  To me, vehicles are tools.  They take you from here to there.  If you take good care of them, they will also bring you back from there.

Granted, vehicles are more useful than your average tool, a hammer for instance.  But - they're still tools.  I love tools, both new and old - but not enough to haul them around the country to tool shows several times a year.  Not enough to spend countless hours swapping tool tales with other tool nuts.  Not enough to join a tool club so I can spend even more time immersed in tool mania and trivia.  I thrive in a much more diversified life style.

It's all a matter of perspective I reckon.  Maybe I'm the oddball, the one with the weird disease, the main symptom being 'the inability to stay focused on any one thing for an extended period.'  Actually, I may not lack the ability but I darn sure lack the desire.

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