Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 76. Wenberg State Park, WA

We're in a holding pattern for a couple nights, hovering within easy striking distance of Seattle/Bellvue where Trish will visit friends on Sun-Tues. We hope to stay at a campground in Carnation, WA for those nights. The Seattle area is sadly lacking in campgrounds - not untypical of large cities - very few, very crowded, very expensive.

Les Schwab in Anacortes was a scheduled stop on the way here, had to get the EDGE wheel bearings repacked with grease, something you do every 12000 miles. Les Schwab is an auto tire sales/service chain in the northwest that has a well earned reputation for quality, quick service and good corporate citizenship. I've given them a fair amount of business over the years.

I misquoted Mr Churchill in my last post. Here's the real thing: "A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." And now, the questions is: to what was he referring? Go ahead and guess, no fair cheating and doing your own browser search, answer will be in the next post. The first correct response gets a 7-day all expenses paid trip for 2 to the fabulous and exclusive.....wait for it........ Redneck Trailer Trash Doublewide Delight in beautiful East Overshoe, Arkansas!!!

Yes! Faithful readers, one and all, you and only you are elegible for this fantastic prize! Your loyalty is being rewarded in a manner that few if any could possibly have imagined.

A word of caution, though. Don't be thinking that the 'trailer trash' term is a putdown or a derogatory term. I'm living in a trailer myself and it's a darn sight smaller and shorter than your average doublewide.

Y'all have a good day now, ya hear?

1 comment:

  1. I am reading a good book which has also been described as 'a ...riddle...mystery...enigma' in a review. Strangely (or not) the topic is a mystery surrounding the post cold war reconstruction in guessed it...Russia. At least that's the background. Setting is Sweden, so far. I'm not very deep into it yet but it is fascinating so far. I just wish I knew more about finance and economics.

    Honestly, I don't really want to know anything about finance and economics, but it would help with the book. It would be right up your alley:
    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Steig Larsson.

    Read it and we can have a book club meeting when you're here!
