Saturday, May 29, 2010

Launch day + 2

Hooked up the RV to shore power yesterday AM, turned on the fridge and set the A/C. For you landlubbers and non-RVers shore power is AC electricity, as in houses and campground hookups. The fridge needs 24 hours of chill time before you put the food in. And, I turned on the A/C to a low setting; it's forecast to be 100 degrees or so in LHC the next couple days, don't want things melting before we even hit the road.

Today we move stuff from patio to garage: Pancho, Grunt, Barbie, patio furniture, Trish's exercise bike (Q: What's Irish and lives outside, near your back door? A: Paddy O'Furniture). Also, it's RV loading time. My clothes are mostly loaded but Trish's aren't, also gotta load food and all the misc crap we'll need for the next 4 months. Well...not all the crap we'll need but enough to hold us a few days. It's not like we're going to Lower Slobbovia with no grocery stores.

Gotta empty out the home fridge since it will be turned off. Been systematically using up dribs and drabs of condiments, reducing frozen goodies to quantities that will fit in the RV fridge. May end up giving a few items to our 2 elderly widow neighbors - both neat people, by the way.

Most people who leave AZ for the summer seal up their drains and toilets before leaving. Otherwise the water evaporates from the p-traps, allowing sewer gas to come up; yucko! They also leave large containers of water in the tubs and showers to keep things from drying out too much. We'll be leaving the containers of water, but won't need to do the seal up thing cuz we've got a home services outfit coming in twice monthly to flush toilets, run water in all the sinks and drains, and check on things. Adds a little peace of mind.

I've included pix of Pancho, Grunt and Barbie for those who've not met them. You'll be able to figure out who's who I think.


  1. Why is the grill named "Barbie"? Maybe the supposed similarity between "grill" and "girl"?
