Wednesday, February 26, 2014

CRS Again

Yesterday  6:07 PM
Trish: ‘Oh!  I forgot to put the sheets in the dryer.’  She was in the kitchen making BLTs.
Mike: ‘I’ll do it.’  I stepped into the laundry room and discovered that the sheets were already in the dryer but still wet; I informed Trish.
Trish: ‘Jamie (our housekeeper) must have put them in the dryer.’
Mike: Seems odd she’d do that, not part of her job. I threw in a cling-free dryer sheet and asked, ‘What settings do you want?’  (I’m not allowed to make those decisions.)
Trish walked into the laundry room: ‘I usually put it on the ‘cotton’ setting.’

9 Days Ago
Trish: ‘There’s something wrong with the dryer.  It’s making a funny noise and smells like something’s burning.
Mike:I’ll look at it.’  Which I did: the duct had become disconnected behind the machine. 
When I installed the machines 5 years ago, we wanted the washer/dryer doors to open outward like French doors, which meant the washer had to be on the left, the dryer on the right.  That way, the wet laundry could be moved laterally from washer to dryer without having to lift it up and over the open doors.  But – the plumbing, electrical and duct connections were set up to have the washer on the right, dryer on the left.
So, Houston, we had a problem: the dryer duct connection was behind the washer instead of the dryer, and wall clearance was too tight to use flex duct.  Instead, I had to use a telescoping rectangular metal duct and a mess of duct tape, and the install was loosey goosey.  Now that the darn thing had come lose, I decided that the only way to safely secure the duct was to move the dryer to the left side so it lined up with wall connection.  So, move it I did: now the dryer is on the left, washer on the right.

Yesterday  6:08 PM
I looked at the controls: no ‘cotton’ setting.  What the hell?  Trish and I looked at each other, me with this look of total bewilderment.  Finally, the dime drops.  Dumb shit!  You moved the dryer to the left side.  The clothes are still in washer.

We both broke out into uproarious laughter, which went on for some time.  Best laugh I had all week.

1 comment:

  1. Had a good laugh also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Doug C
