Monday, August 12, 2013

Gold Rush Days

Doing the final adjustments to the pack.
This burro, one of the largest in the race, is teamed up with one of the oldest 'miners'.
Burro is Spanish for donkey, aka jackass or simply - ass.

Haul Ass!
The more competitive racers sprint from the starting point.

Here's the tall burro and elderly gent pictured above, top.
This group is well behind the sprinters and going at a leisurely pace.

Buena Vista, CO Gold Rush Days include a Triple Crown burro race.  It simulates the race to stake the best gold claims back in the day.  Burros are loaded with 33 pounds of mining gear, the 'miner' grasps the burro's halter and races over a cross country course.  Last year's winning time was 1:33 on a 13.5 mile course - and that, my friends, is truly hauling ass!  This year, there were 2 courses: 11 miles and 18 miles.  Some racers are professionals who train their asses rigorously; their burros are highly trained, too, of course.  The races started 64 years ago and are held in several CO cities, Leadville and Fairplay being the other 2 Triple Crown events.

Immediately after the start of the burro race, there was a reenactment of a killing that took place in the Lariat Saloon in 1882.  That's Doc in the black suit; he squinted down at the victim, nudged the body with the toe of his boot, announced, "Yep.  He's a goner!"  Terry and I tried to incite the crowd to lynch the killer but the sheriff held his ground.

Next event: toilet seat races by age group, starting with age 6 and below.
That's TJ and his son Thomas on the left.  The seats have 3 small wheels and tip over easily. 

Thomas plunges across the finish line!

Proud winner Thomas, holding his trophy.
Thomas is a delightful young man, a bit serious for his age, very well mannered.

Here's the short course winner approaching the finish line with a time of about 1:35.
Trish and I were sitting in the shade eating ice cream cones when they went by.


  1. Thanks for your account of our Gold Rush Days! You have such a delightful knack fro description. I am kind of shocked that there was no mention of the curley fries and funnel cakes!

    1. Correction--- Fairplay instead of Salida is the first of the triple crown races. Leadville 2nd and BV third.

  2. Thanks BBT for setting me straight. Don't know where Salida came from, brain fart I guess. Mike
