On 1.13.22, we held a celebrity roast for my good friend, David. After 7 years of hard work as president of our pickleball Association, he decided it was time to pass the gavel on to someone new. And someone younger; he's 78.
Dennis was emcee, quick-witted, great sense of humor.
I was the first roaster. David provided several old pictures that were displayed during my presentation - with appropriate (?) comments, of course.
David as a Playboy Bunny in a melodrama.
Hard to believe this hottie is the same guy as the one in the picture below (with the ear).
Grant, an impromptu roaster, commented on David's competitive nature.
Both he and David had scary 'widowmaker' heart issues, but both are doing well now.
Although the roast was my idea, Janie and Rodney did the heavy lifting: venue selection, organizing event signups, collecting $, and setting up the A/V. They teased David about his hearing (right ear is toast), presented him with the gavel above and the enhanced ear below.
David. He got a large charge out of the tribute but didn't do a rebuttal. Too bad; I was looking forward to him taking some shots at me. He did, however, point out that he outranked me because he was commissioned before me. We were both in the army with a final rank of captain.
The Association Board of Directors.
David's cap and tee are additional props provided by Rodney and Janie.
The tee says 'STAND HERE IF YOU WANT ME TO HEAR', with an arrow pointing to the left.
Despite the grimace on my face, I was not in pain. Never was good at smiling on command.
80+ attended the event. Lots of laughs and lots of banter.
The no-host bar may have been a factor.